The Lure of Plants

Composed by: Dr Pooja Gupta

 Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, Ramjas College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007, India;

The enchanting world of plants,
Calling me with open arms,
Embracing them with pure love,
I’m lured by its charm!

True to themselves,
Rectitude is their identity,
Plants the verve of life,
Are better known for their serenity!

Always cool and calm,
Epitomise persistence,
Teach us to be steady
In all circumstance!

With them the world seems so beautiful,
Life becomes meaningful,
If we can learn even a bit,
That would be wonderful!

About the author:

Dr. Pooja Gupta, is a Ph.D. in Botany from University of Delhi. She is working as an Assistant Professor in the Ramjas College of University of Delhi.  A gold medalist from the University of Delhi, she has a great love for plants and wants to inculcate interest in the younger generation towards the plant world. She loves to write and create awareness on the importance of plants and sensitize the young minds towards their conservation and sustainable use.

Posted by Adriane Coelho